Wednesday 18 February 2015

Love finds you!!

This is a true statement that I have heard many times. You can not find love. It will come to you unconditionally. It comes to you when you are not looking for this or not expect this.

If it comes to lOVE, everyone looking for love but I think no one knows what is the real meaning of love. There are many books written on love but I don’t think any of one in them is able to give the right answer. Love is more than our imagination. Love is the thing that can never hurt anyone. It can not buy or sell. It’s a great blessing of our life.

We are human being. Simply we need love, care and trust. We need someone in our life who loves us, who care us, who trust us and our dreams. Who always stand with us in every up and down. We need love more than anything else.

Mother Teresa once said “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread”.

But before love someone else we need to be love yourself. We need to love your dreams. Our life is our journey. Someone can walk with us but can not walk for us. First be yourself, Love yourself, Love your Dreams and do work hard for fulfilling all these. Don’t run behind someone else ideas. Create your own. Life is wonderful.  It’s full of adventures. We could become who we want to be. If you have some dream and passionate about this, pursue it. The only thing, where your dreams achieved or not it’s only into your heart. If you can think anything then you can pursue it. Make good friends. Believe in quality not in quantity. Spend your precious time only with those who love, appreciate and care for you. Who encourage you and make you smile. Respect others, encourage others. Stay positive and confident, good things and people defiantly come to you.

I believe in miracles. Love defiantly comes to you. But it’s totally depends on time. Whenever right time will come it will happen. I believe that when things happen naturally then they will remain forever. Whenever the right person come in your life. It’s always when you are not expecting this. In actually that time you are not looking for this, it does naturally.

Take your time, It will come to you defiantly, don’t find it. Just let love finds you. Don’t run behind of someone let someone behind you. The day will come soon then the things you desire will be come into your life.

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